Saturday, November 15, 2008

first of the lasts.

it kind of snuck up on me, this whole ending of one season of life and transitioning into something new and exciting... i mean i know i'm a senior in college and all and everything is going to change after graduation, but but all of a sudden i am faced with the first of the lasts and i realize that the future is getting here quicker than i thot.
i didnt realize it right away, but Tuesday was the last practice on the Rugby field (yay for not having to hike up that hill ever again!). Today was my last marching band practice ever. Tomorrow will be my last football game. I will play my solo at halftime, be recognized as a senior, play the fight song one last time, and recieve the horrendous alumni hat. (there will be pictures) Next week will be the last band banquet ever. and i know just how ridiculous it seems and how much of a nerd i am, but band has been a really big part of my life, and the end of this season is a really big deal. the first of the many lasts that will make up this year for me. and while it might be a little bittersweet, i can keep the memories, knowing that the passing of this season makes room for the beginning of another, and who knows how much fun awaits in the series of firsts that promise to follow and fill the spaces left by these lasts?

1 comment:

Miss Brenda said...

It makes me sad that I never got to hear your solo. Perhaps you could call me and play it for me sometime. Love you.