Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the great gazoo.

yes, there was a martian on the flintstones. no, despite popular belief his name was not marvin or chad. his name is way better than that. i mean come one - who wouldn't wanna be named THE GREAT GAZOO?

its just too good! if i were a martian (which i guess i could technically call myself) i would want a cool name like that. its got the alliteration, and the absurdity, and is self-declaredly great... although i might want my martian name to be a little bit more memorable... any suggestions?

1 comment:

Abi said...

No suggestions for you but.. if we still lived in Mars I would steal the Great Gazoo for my little one... :) Then we'd have Claire Marie the Fabulous and The Great Gazoo... what a family we would be.