1) just dropping out right now and becoming a wandering gypsy who doesnt have to worry about a 'real job,' effectively avoiding the need to become a real person.
2) figure out what my dream job is, work like a crazy person to acheive it, ignore all my own personal needs, have no social life, but have the company car (it works for everyone on tv).
3) take next summer off, spend the next fall semester in a raise-your-own support internship with eMi, then move on in January to the good job that i have lined up and waiting for me.
ok, so maybe the third one is really the only one ive seriously considered as being a good plan. the thing is, i want to make a difference. whatever it is that my future holds for me, i want it to be somehow remembered. and preferably in a good way, a thought process which rather quickly moves me from thinking about my future to reminiscing about my past. what have i done with my life up to this point? has it been anything worth mentioning? have i at least made a significant difference in one person's life? and if i have and if i continue to be a memorable part of people's lives, do i want to know when it happens or just live in my own little world where i believe that everything does indeed work out for good and that one day my path will cross with someone elses and be significantly changed for the good, and if and when that day does come, will they know it? what if i remember them forever and they have no clue who i am? wow thats kind of a depressing thought. this is why i shouldnt blog late at night. all my emotions run rampant and unchecked and i end up saying things and thinking things that i regret and then i go to bed frustrated or sad and then i wake up in a funk...
but getting back to the point, and the song that kind of prompted this whole thing: 'I want to leave a legacy, how will they remember me? Did i choose to love? did i point to You enough to make a mark on things? i want to leave an offering - a child of mercy and grace who blessed Your Name unapologetically... and leave that kind of legacy'
its a kind of legacy that is much more than acrylic paint on a white block wall...
and all in all, it doesnt really matter where my future takes me, how many roads i have to go down, how many turns there are, detours are more than welcome, i'm along for the ride.
'Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred... just want to hear instead, “Well Done” good and faithful one…' Nicole Nordeman- Legacy
can't believe you are graduating!
Grow up to be a responsible young adult ...
who loves the Lord...
and moves out of my house.
You should know two things:
1-there are days i really regret the third goal
2-I don't know how I could possibly be more proud of you.
45 days and counting...
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