Thursday, June 4, 2009

the saga of the vagabond continues.

wanna hear a funny story? so i had a job all lined up for the summer. it was a really sweet deal that would be a good learning experience, a steady income, and was close to lots of people who love me. so i called them the other day to get some more details about where i would need to find a place to stay and where i'd be working and all that stuff that would be nice to know, and Tessa tells me that they filled the position with someone else so that means no job for me. isnt that just great news? i was ready to find a place to be. i was ready to start being my own grown up person. what im not ready to do is go back to the drawing board and start all over. ive been there, ive done that, and i have nothing to show for it not even a lousy tshirt. so much for having a plan. guess it just goes to show that i am not the final authority in plan making for my life. i'm confident that there is a plan... its out there somewhere and i can only guess that its better than the plans i had, it would just be really nice to know right about now. i used to know where i was going. i used to have a direction. now im just left with a carload of stuff and nowhere to unpack it.

in amongst all that stuff in my car i have found a few candidates for my giveaway to promote comments - i have three boxes of yellow marshmallow peeps, a mislabeled copy of the latest installment of the keychange series ("where's my ring by spring i did NOT find it" misleadingly labeled as "I FOUND IT greatest hits") and a free button from the Hoover Dam proudly proclaiming the wearer to be a "Dam Proud America." based on reader response and level of interest i will decide which prize will be given away, or if all three prizes will be given to three lucky winners, or if all three will be given to one lucky reader.

what i would like to find in my car is my camera cord.


nancyann said...

I so desperately need the marshmallow peeps and I'm willing to pay money for them. I would need to take possession of said peeps before September 1st though! This is an answer to prayers...where else could you find marshmallow peeps in September? However, we will be toasting them over a ceremonial fire. I hope that doesn't ruin my chances of winning.

Abi said...

Have a plan? ... Ever think of changing it?
The plan is always changing and that's ok, it's the end that matters and as long as you keep you eye on that, you'll make it.
OK Yoda moment over, I would also like you to find your camera cord and a semi-permanent address. As always you are welcome to mine. (cord and address) Love ya babe! :)

Abi said...

Because I am moving I am not interested in the car findings but feel as though I should comment extra just to draw attention to your give-away.

Sarah Elizabeth said...


Miss Brenda said...

I am just so glad to see you post that I would have commented even without the giveaway. I do like your prizes though. Given your current state of affairs, might I suggest that you auction the peeps (and consider selling other belongings out of your car). Good luck with the giveaway. Does this mean you are on your way to WY?