Tuesday, February 16, 2010

happy fastnacht day.

ok so from my understanding, Fastnacht Day only exists in Germany and Pennsylvania Dutch country and is really just another name for Fat Tuesday. it is celebrated by eating extra-fatty donuts (who knew such a thing was even possible?) that are made with the express purpose of using up all the fat, lard, sugar, and butter that you supposedly fast from for the next 40 days of Lent.
apparently its a big deal. one girl in the office said it was one of her favorite holidays. and i wished another girl a happy Fat Tuesday and she said 'whats that?' i didnt realize just how different living on the other side of the state could be when i moved here.
Lent snuck up on me last year, and i didnt end up doing anything different for those 40 days. this year, i know it starts tomorrow, but i still dont know what to do. my BFITW (Best Friend in the World) and myself once started adding something to our lives rather than taking something away, and we read through a few lesser known books of the Bible over 40 days. i've been thinking of going that route this year, since my new years resolution already cut a lot of sweets and snacking out of my diet and added a workout regiment. (apparently thats the 'official' term for a lifting schedule or plan) i've been tossing around the idea of 're'-reading 40 days of purpose (cuz i didnt actually read it the first time) or just picking up my Bible again and hopefully begin a habit of reading every day that will last beyond Easter, or something else along those lines. any suggestions for my lenten activities would be appreciated.


Sarah Elizabeth said...

We ate pancakes for fat Tuesday.

Miss Brenda said...

We are reading nothing but our Bibles for the duration of Lent. With the goal being to read completely through in 40 days. The scam artist took his to school today. He considers it a contest to see who gets through first. I'm not betting against him.

Brenda's Man said...

Mom directed me to Mark Batterson's church site where they afe reading through the Bible from Lent to Lent. I signed up today and it looked like a good thing. Check it out at...
But whatever you plan, it will be good! I love you!

Abi said...

Lent??!!? argh... there should be some warning about these things!... bahhh... already behind.

Amanda said...

thats what you get for going to Cancun in February and not taking me...