Wednesday, November 28, 2012

thankful wrap-up.

back to work today after an extra long holiday weekend. i'm still recuperating from Thanksgiving and all of the awesomeness that it was: family! leaf piles! turducken! turkey hats! matching aprons! uno! bowling! games! silliness! piecaken! hiking! waterfalls! and so many hugs i couldn't have counted them even if i tried!

all the fun and the craziness and the noise all over the house felt so right, just like home, and it was downright sad and quiet once everyone was loaded into cars and planes and headed home.

we stretched the weekend as long as we could to squeeze in as much as we could, which means that we had a fantastic time. it also means that i've given myself zero time to regroup and now i'm falling headfirst into Christmas. but before all that craziness kicks in, i just want to take a minute and round out my thankful list for this year. i might have even added a few bonus thanks, just because i really do have a LOT to be thankful for!

86. Mom.

87. Dad.

88. Stasi.

89. Abi.

90. Alex.

91. Claire and Nick.

92. brothers-in-law.

93. Gram.
94. Pap.
95. slide rules.
96. new tires.
97. leftovers.
98. rag bags.
99. air mattresses.
100. cameras.

and... bonus! because i just cant stop being thankful!
...or using exclamation points!!!
101. one-hour photo prints.
102. mail.
103. lists.
104. online shopping.
105. Christmas.

"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name."  
I Chronicles 29:13  

1 comment:

Brenda's Man said...

You make your Dad so happy and extremely thankful