Tuesday, October 13, 2009


" 'Hey! Do you know any jokes?' I asked him.

He pondered a minute. 'I do know a pretty good joke. Okay: Why do ducks have flat feet, Zippy?'


'To stamp out forest fires.'

I gasped, then nearly fell over laughing. It was the funniest joke I'd EVER heard, and I'd been collecting jokes for a while.

'No wait! There's more. Why do elephants have flat feet?'

I couldn't speak, so Mom asked why.

'To stamp out burning ducks.'

I just collapsed face-first into my coloring book I rolled around in a little ball until tears were running down my face.

George made a sound like a fire truck. 'Emergency! We've got a burning duck down over here!'

Even Dad had to laugh. 'George, you're gonna kill her.'

I finally stretched out on my back and begged for mercy. Hitchhikers. Good Lord. "

-She Got Up Off the Couch

1 comment:

Abi said...

:) even better the second time :)