Wednesday, December 26, 2012

merry day after.

i have a story to share with all y'all, but its kind of gross. so i figured it would be more appropriate on the day after Christmas to post something a little more cheerful. so here! look at some of the pictures i remembered to take of our Christmas, and look forward to the gross story tomorrow!
we were fortunate on Christmas Eve to have some surprise snow! not so much that we were snowed in or unable to make it to the Christmas Eve service, but just enough to make everything outside extra beautiful, festive, slippy, and dangerous. the good news is that everybody made it to and from our house safely for dinner, games, and fun after church. 

 in the past, Mark and I have gifted each other three gifts: because if it was good enough for Jesus, its good enough for us. this year we gifted ourselves one BIG present that came in the mail last week, and then kept it pretty low key for Christmas morning: one small present each, and whatever we could stuff in each others stockings.

this is exactly how i want to remember our Christmas mornings: 'you gotta get up' blasting through the house, pajamas, bedhead, excitement, and the joy of being together for another year. who needs perfectly styled christmas morning pictures when you can have sleepy eyes and fuzzy hats?
we eventually got dressed and headed over to Mark's parents house for stockings, brunch, presents, snacks, more presents, pictures, even MORE presents, dinner, and games with the whole fam-damily. i ate too much chocolate, stuffed myself full of good food, and enjoyed every single minute. (but i am NOT looking forward to my first workout post holiday food binge)
we made out like bandits this year. seriously, i think we recieved three presents for every one we gave this year. we are super duper spoiled and we know it. this was our tree on Christmas morning. now just imagine this same tree piled so high with boxes there's no room to spare underneath it, and thats basically what its looking like right about now.

all in all, we had a wonderful day full of family, food, lounging, laughter, and giving thanks for the most precious gift we have ever been given in the person of Jesus Christ our Savior. we're back to work today, watching the snow fall through the office windows and praying that the roads will be clear by the time we get to head home at the end of the day.

hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

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