Friday, September 11, 2009

for my devoted fans.

i am in Chicago. well technically, i am in a suburb of chicago, but its close enough for me. traveling has been going rather uneventfully - i have been trying to take pictures of the Welcome signs at each new state i get to, but Iowa messed me up. i'm still not sure where South Dakota ended and Iowa started. way to not have a sign. dont worry, i have wyoming, south dakota, and illinois. tomorrow i plan on getting indiana, ohio, and pennsylvania.
last night i watched 3/4 of the steelers game, and was informed this morning that they indeed won, just like i knew they would :)
and in case you were wondering: putting pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, walnuts, and feta cheese on a salad with chicken and a poppyseed dressing is in fact a GREAT idea. mmmm so good....
and YesMan is a good movie. in my opinion at least.
traveling is great fun when you have friends along the way to visit with :)


Anonymous said...

hope the rest of your trip goes as well! best of luck in york!

Brenda's Man said...

Remember to drive wreckless-ly! I love you!