Monday, October 5, 2009

little boxes.

on a hillside...

i got several boxes today. they were not made out of ticky tacky and they were not all the same. every box was different, and each contained exciting things. some were small boxes. some were larger. some came with a box inside of another box. (and when it arrived, i smashed it with a hammer!) just kidding.
the smallest of my boxes came to me at work today. it had my new business cards. they have my name on them with E.I.T. after it, and my new work email, and my work phone number too so now i dont really have to learn it, i can just give my card to people who want to call me at work :) im not sure just who that would be, but hey, its an option.

my other box was waiting for me on my doorstep when i got home. it was spray painted orange and yellow on the outside which made me think it might be from my great-aunt Vi, sending me messages and presents from the grave. but even better, it was from my Momma :) and it was full of great things. it had my supersoft pink bunny, a roaster, two metal bowls, four retractable ultra fine sharpies, an eyeliner, and my card that says i am a member of the national wild turkey federation :)

a box within that box held the (finally!) final product of my high school senior project - a professionally bound copy of La Casa que Juan Construyo, illustrated by me :) one copy for me, and a copy for my Spanish teacher. better late than never, right?
and another box inside the box held my very own little george foreman grill! gotta love yardsales :)

i dont think a girl could ask for a better monday :)

1 comment:

Abi said...

OH can I get a card? to hang on my fridge?