Monday, August 20, 2012

meal plan monday: aug 20.

i ate horrendously over the weekend while Mark was away. like think fast food, microwave mac n cheese, goldfish, and a few crabs, topped off with copious amounts of skittles. sounds delicious, right? it was. but i think i might have overdone it a little on the skittles, and then i didnt even work out at all to try and counteract that binge-fest of supreme laziness. i felt terrible about it, but i also didnt feel like cooking or eating any real food, since i was home alone.

i dont want to cook anything this week, either. but i guess i will. since mark's home. i love that guy.

Monday: zuchinni, black bean, and rice skillet. (recipe)
Tuesday:.chicken tacos. (recipe-ish)
Wednesday: tilapia with cucumber salad. (recipe)
Thursday: frozen raviolis.
Friday: grilled cheese w/ tomato soup.
Saturday: company picnic.
Sunday: pancakes.

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