Friday, March 23, 2012


so did i mention that yesterday was my birthday? i turned 25. which means that i now get to enjoy cheaper car insurance, and i can also rent a car at a reasonable rate too. wootwoot! its kind of funny, because apparently turning 25 means that to the world at large, i am now officially a responsible adult. but the thing is, i dont FEEL any more responsible now than i did on wednesday. in fact, the only real difference i've noticed so far is that my hair has been getting greasy more quickly than normal. but that hopefully has more to do with my new shampoo than it does with my age.

anywho, i just wanted to real quick share with you what the hubs got me for my birthday this year.

present number one from the hubs: MY NEW CAMERA!

this blurry pic was taken with my old camera. obvsly.

it's just the one i wanted, which either means that the hubs is very good at taking hints, or the hints that i gave this time were just a little too obvious. (leaving my research list out on the table with a big circle around the one i wanted seemed reasonable enough) i have yet to actually take any pictures with my cool new toy, because 1. i got sleepy while i had to wait forever for the battery to charge, and B. this pretty little lady doesnt use the same kind of memory card as my old camera, which means we need to get a new memory card before i can really take this gal out for a spin. i'll be sure and let you know how i feel about her once we spend some more time together. (and hopefully you'll be able to see my pictures improve too!) 

present number two from the hubs: I CAN SEE HIS FACE AGAIN!

the beard is GONE y'all! after over three months of looking at him through the filter of his hairy-faced-ness every day, i had just about resigned myself to the fact that i might never fully see my husbands lovely face again in favor of his love of the lower-maintenance beard. but no! he shaved it all off last night while i was at jazzercise! i was so surprised that i just wanted to hug him and squeeze him and kiss his face, but he told me i had to shower first. apparently i was a little too stinky after my workout for being all up in his personal space.

my hubs loves me so much, and combined with all the other presents and cards that i got i'm feeling kind of spoiled right now. but in a good way, not in a slimy rotten disgusting way. and i just want to say thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, or got me a present, or ate cake with me, or just had a good day for your very own reasons, because you all made my day just a little bit extra special. you're the best!

have a good weekend y'all - i'm going to spend mine extending my birthday celebrations as long as possible... how long do you think i can stretch it?!

1 comment:

Brenda's Man said...

I just wanted to say that you make me happy!