Wednesday, March 24, 2010

not what you were expecting.

ok so i think most of my loyal readership knows that i have some big news. this post is not about that.

this post is just to share the song that has for some reason been in my head for the past four days:

Mmmnn-At! went the little green frog one day
Mmmnn-At! went the little green frooog!
Mmmnn-At! went the little green frog one day
and his eyes went Mmmnn-At! too.

Honk Honk! went the big Mack truck one day
Splish Splash! went the little green frooog!
now his eyes don't go Mmmnn-At! anymore
cause they got licked up by a dog. woof!woof!

i think this song comes from the period of my life that also included 'Aggelina Haggelina OckaTocka WockaTocka OckaTockaWocka' and 'Eddie Gootchie Gotchie Gammie Toastanamie Toastanamie Sammy Gammy Wacky Brown' and who could forget the 'Klinah Klinah Feegle Fugle Osten Peckin Beagle Bugle EarDrumSplittin Loud and Bloomin Bird' :)

stayed tuned for more random songs as they pop into my head and oh yeah some real news :)

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